
RICE/ONUS Liquidity Pool is now on PancakeSwap

To make it convenient for users to trade, and to expand the ecosystem for RICE, starting from May 5th, RICE Wallet cooperates with ONUS to open a new RICE/ONUS liquidity pool on PancakeSwap.

After the RICE/ONUS liquidity pool is added, everyone can easily swap RICE for ONUS, or vice versa on PancakeSwap or ONUS DeFi:

About RICE/ONUS Liquidity Pool on PancakeSwap: 

Total value: $136,000

About ONUS

ONUS Token is a utility token used in the entire ONUS ecosystem, including paying/reducing transaction fees, mortgage and repaying loans, receiving reward and ownership via ONUS Shares, participating in Staking/Farming, becoming a VIP user/business partner, participating in Launchpad programs, and voting on ONUS decisions. In addition, ONUS is considered an asset representing the value of the ONUS platform; investors who own ONUS will receive rewards every day.

Learn more about ONUS at:

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